Puppetry Schools - National School of Theater of A. Zelwerowicza of Warsaw
In Bialystok:
Panstwowa Wyszsza Szkola Teatralna im A. Zelwerowicza w Warszawie,
Wydzial Sztuki Lalkarskiej w Bialymstoku. Dziekan: Wojciech Kobrzynski
(rough translation: National School of Theater of A. Zelwerowicza of
Warsaw, Department of Puppetry Arts at Bialystok, dean: Wojciech
Teatr Skolny
15-092 Bialystok
Sienkewicza 14
tel. no: 435 353, or 435 398, or 435 453.
This is a four year program, full-time, conducted in Polish; few faculty
members at the school speak English but a lot of the students do, and
classes are given in English and German so the students are thrilled to
practice with you. The school is also across the street from a language
study school, so finding a place to pick up some Polish would not be too
hard. Tuition is very inexpensive, Bialystok is a lovely place with lots to
do (even in the dead of winter, when I visited!) and the quality of the
school is extremely high.
I found myself standing awestruck amongst these seventeen year old
puppeteers in training, watching them go through incredibly stringent
lessons ranging from voice to rythymic movement to hand puppetry and mime -
and wondering if there was any hope for a Westerner like me to gain that
level of proficiency. The school has several excellent teachers, from
prominent theaters nearby: notably Teatr Wierszalin and Suwalki's Teatr
3/4, both internationally known groups.
I think they could be prevailed upon to get an int'l summer program going.
Last updated 12 December 1996