Material Suppliers
Animatronics Supplies from The Animatronics Resource Site Armatures from Armaverse
Aves Studio - non-toxic epoxy putty
The Amercian Plume and Fancy Feather, Inc
Bob's Foam Factory
- The largest selection of foam in the San Francisco Bay Area
Burman Industries - foam latex, special effects makeup, molds, clay
Douglas and Sturgess: Artist Materials and Supplies
Eyes, Places to Buy Them
Foam Suppliers by Robert Smythe
Georgia Stage - Antron Fleece
GM Foam Latex
Latex and Neoprene Suppliers by Robert Smythe
Latex Foam for Puppets by Tom McLaughlin
MagicSculp - non-toxic epoxy putty
Micromagic Systems - animatronic and puppet control systems - United Kingdom
Puppet Making Supplies by Leo Brodie Puppet Parts - catalog of cast rubber parts for making marionettes, hand and rod puppets - building supplies and antron fleece (aka Muppet fleece)
Rosco Laboratories, Inc. - One of the world's largest manufacturers of products for theatre, film and television production.
Sculpt or Coat -Sculpt or Coat adds strength and longevity to your creations.
Supplies from the Dallas Puppet Theater
The Thomas Register of Manufacturers - online search of industrial manufacturer database (free registration required) Unique Spool - puppet patterns and kits USA Fur Manufacturers from Steve Axtell Zeller International - non-toxic materials and mediums for casting, mould making and special effects